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The silent killer

What is burnout

Burnout are physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands it affects programmers around the world (no programmer can raise a hand to say they have never had burnouts).

A new study by Haystack Analytics has found that 83% of software developers suffer from workplace burnout. The top reasons cited for burnout included high workload (47%), inefficient process (31%) alongside unclear goals and targets (29%).

Causes of burnouts

There are several causes of burnouts in programmers i listed a few below

  • prolonged stress and frustration.
  • Lack of support .
  • Weak programming culture.
  • forgetting to take care of yourself.
  • Lack of recognition.
  • Bad work life balance .
  • Too much work .
  • Toxic relationship & unfair treatment at work. -Physical or mental illnesses.

    An estimated 49.5% of young people had any mental disorder. (Samhsa, 2019)

Signs of burnout

Are you on the road to burnout? You may be on the road to burnout if you show any of the following signs

  • Feeling of isolation.
  • Lack of accomplishment and ineffectiveness.
  • Lost energy ,motivation & interest.
  • Abnormal schedules and trouble sleeping.
  • Negativity. -You’re exhausted all the time.
  • Self doubt.

Dealing with burnout

identifying the cause of the burnout is the first step in dealing with a burnout

- Get enough sleep Sitting on your desk in front of a computer for 8+ hours per day is not good for you Leave that code get some rest , take a bath , freshen up.


  • pay attention to your needs & let others knowtheres nothing bad about taking care of your needs.
  • Delegate & set boundaries

    Do not deploy on Fridays.

  • clear your head.

  • take short & frequent break's.
  • seek help. Discuss what you are facing /try get help.

Parting thoughts

Learning to strike the balance and "me time" is really important Take time out to care of yourself its really important The project would be completed with or without you your health is the most important.

A wise man once said

For what shall it profit a dev, if he deploys on Friday, and lose his weekend.